Well I have been coughing non stop for the past 6 days. I haven't felt this run down in a long time and I am rarely sick so I am not any good at slowing down and resting. My mom always says I have the same drive as my grandmother. Always ON! So naturally, I didn't really change my work schedule off the farm this week despite my annoying hacking at the clinic but today I feel like a mac truck has run me over. I am napping on and off all day and barking like a seal. I haven't been able to sleep well at night because of the almost croup that makes me feel like I cannot breath. I feel too tired to go to doctor so I am praying for my recovery, winning the coughing championship and watching funny comedians for the cure. The Good news is that there is wild and miraculous cell division happening with our baby fruitlets every day and they are lieterally growing right before our eyes. I am so very thankful that we have an abundant crop thus far on the trees and I appreciate everyone who is backing me up and praying for our harvests. I don't have any creative energy to blog much, so here is a quote that it my medicine for today. "Rest and laughter are the most spiritual and subversive acts of all. Laugh, rest, slow down." Ann Lamott.
I am thankful for a day of rest and recovery and I am so hopeful I will feel better tomorrow because I am terrible at being the patient, xoxo your grateful farmer. Fight body, fight! Heal body, heal. Rest body, rest!
PS I wrote a blog about lessons I learned farming with my mother, honoring her for mothers day if you want to check it out click this link.