I was born into a long line of farmers.
When you are born into a family with a legacy of farming not everyone in the family feels compelled to carry on the dream. But I farm because I believe in the dream of my great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents, and I want to carry it on into the next generation.
I was taught at a young age to be a good steward of our land--land that has been in my family for generations. The most important purpose of this stewardship is generosity. The word generous doesn't simply mean giving things away; it means creating life to nurture and benefit those around you. My family has always believed that generosity is its own currency--a currency that multiplies value to both the giver and receiver.
I care deeply about growing fruit for everyone in my community, and work to create access to my fruit for people from every economic background. Being generous with my harvests brings me pleasure because it is an honor to nourish, sustain and bring better health to my region.
I believe my employees are my kin, close to me like family. I find it easy share my farm land with them and their children. On our land we have three generations of farm help who believed in the dream as well and have committed their loyalty, support and lives to grow food for our region as well. I love to give them places to grow vegetables gardens for their families and I hope to continue to pay them as much as I possible and improve their housing every single year.
I count it a honor to be apart of a vibrant farming community. From the legends who farm into their eighties to rookie farmers who are all in and working multiple jobs to keep their farming dreams alive. Showing up for one another to lending each other a hand feels good and is the soul of a rich and sustainable growing community.
I love opening my farm up like a large living room and inviting others to come and taste and see our harvests. It is a deepest pleasure to host weddings, farm to table fundraisers, schools, sunday suppers and celebrate others life milestones on my families land. Connecting, laughing, toasting and sharing a meal with new friends or old is my favorite thing to do.
I am entering into my third year of my farming journey and my 40th year of life--I can hardly believe it. I want to thank the following people who have made these past years possible:
Thanks to my kind and generous parents who would do anything to make my new ownership successful.
To my dear friends who have championed me, cheered me on and believed in my dream as well.
To my loyal employees who received me as their their boss and work with all their might to create delicious fruit for our region.
To my community who comes and buys fruit from a new female farmer each year and to those who want to get married on our farm.
And to a faithful Father who always backs me up.
Walking around the farm at the end of the day and praying for my land never gets old. I have more dreams in my heart and big plans to be a business owner that helps transform people's lives for the better. Thank you for following along as I share my farming journey, friends of the blog. My heart is undone with gratitude. xoxo Trina