January is not the easiest month to be farmer, friends. Working outside isn't for everyone but if its for you, you awaken each morning feeling like you have hit a secret jackpot. RECESS lasts all day long for farmers! Whistle whistle! I am finding that physical work is satisfying to my core and my body is up for most of the tasks at hand. I no longer have any trouble sleeping at night and I am falling asleep most nights around 8:07pm and sleeping like a dead man. I feel sore in random places in my legs and back and I know that these muscles have been in hibernation for a few decades My clothes are fitting better and some of my office sedentary doughiness is melting off me and this makes me want to High Five a million angels!!
I have a new obsession that I am learning about myself this winter and it is that I love love love checking the weather. When I was a kid, I have vivid memories of my grandparents and parents discussing the weather for days and days and my parents dramatically silencing us kids in the living room when their best friend( the weather man) started his report. "SHHHHHHHH, The weather report is ON, everyone be quiet or else." My parents didn't yell at us when we were young but they got pretty stern when it came to us respecting the weather report. I do not really watch the news so I find myself checking the weather in Mount Hood/Parkdale Oregon with much anticipation and hope for a beautiful and possibly dry day on my iPhone each morning.
Farming is in my heart and I am so grateful that an open door has been opened to me. I feel like I have hit some sort of "live your wildest dreams," lottery and find myself simply saying, "thank you," when I am doing the most mindless and repetitious farming task. Farming is hard work but so far I am falling in love with the job. Side note, I also find myself praying, "HELP," about every 5 minutes as well.
Every evening, I look forward to a pipping hot bath after I come in from the cold. This is required or I might have a small melt down, especially when it has been raining and I am chilled to the bone. Hot water is my longest running relationship and we will never stop loving each other. I used to own a hot tub back in the day and I dream of having one again when I can save up enough money because it was such a gift. I openly admit that I do not like being cold and can get very creative in ways to bring the heat outside with me on the orchard. This January, we have had a mild winter but this still means in order to not shiver in the brisk air I need to wear 3-4 layers for warmth.
The hope of spring is all around and I am noticing tiny baby shoots bursting through the frozen ground all around me. Spring is in my heart and I am welcoming it with open arms. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me for momentum and breakthrough for my little place on the orchard. My own little home on the farm has finally getting started this week and things are looking up for your "homeless" grateful farmer. xoxo
PS. Check out the new CSA page that my awesome web designer Zach has built and consider joining or finding out more about it, coming this Summer!!!