Ever since I moved back home to operate my families small farm, Mt. View Orchards I have been staying up late scheming of ways to get the word out to more people how special our farm truly is. There are a lot of options on the Hood River County Fruit Loop for people to visit, but I want to propose that Mt View Orchards Fruit stand is the friendliest, most affordable, delicious and welcoming farm to everyone who comes and visits. We pride ourselves in being a warm and inviting farm where we open up our orchard like a large living room and let everyone enjoy our land with generous hospitality in our hearts. I have always believed that driving East through the Columbia River Gorge out to Mount Hood-Parkdale, Oregon is one of the most beautiful drives there is in the whole world. Making the trip our to our Orchard is as beautiful as it is tasty. We are so blessed with faithful and loyal customers that come multiple times a year but we could always use more friends of our farm. I am so excited to announce that this weekend a dear from or mine made a small video for all to share about what it is like visiting Mt. View Orchards. Mt. View Orchards isn't like any fruit stand you will find on the Hood River County Fruit Loop and I want to you come and experience what I am talking about. I also have a favor to ask of you all if you would be so kind….. If you know and love our Orchard, would you be willing to share this video with your friends and family who also enjoy farm fresh fruit who maybe do not know about us yet? We would love to be their farmers. We would be honored to be one of their favorite places to visit each year. Our farm, is our your farm and it is the perfect time of year to come up for apple picking.
Love your grateful farmer.