1. I love the Spring and this year as a new farmer, Springtime feels like a gift.
2. My parents are working for free, as many hours as they worked before and refuse to accept any form of payment because they want me to be successful. This kind of farming help and support has humbled me and brought me to tears. I feel so very loved and backed by them!
3. I have been so very honored by all the faithful friends of Mt. View Orchards who have joined our all fruit CSA. You guys are sincerely the best!
4. Farming is finically nearly impossible and I have such new found respect for my parents, grandparents and great grandparents for their unshakable faith and trust in God.
5.I am bravely attempting online dating on farmeronly.com (My dearest girlfriends double dog dared me to do so, to be cont...)
6 My little place is (finally) in the process of being built and I am over the moon about it!
7 We are currently building a new Cidery to make sweet and hard cider and this is a fun new upcoming project at Mt. View Orchards starting this fall.
8.I am aggressively saving up to build a tasting room to invite you all to come and taste our hard apple and pear ciders someday. From our orchard into your glass!
9. I cannot tell you how much I love farming with my mother, Ruthie. This seriously has been better than my wildest hopes and dreams. She is such an amazing farmer and I am learning so much from her.
10. One of the first things I do in the morning is pray that God would bless my land, protect my people and bring us a abundant harvest. Then I religiously check the weather.(I am my mother :)
11. I am hoping to be able to offer a limited amount of wedding at Mt. View Orchards starting the Summer of 2016 in our Orchard Meadow. I am thrilled to be partnering with my dear sweet friend Jamie Snell from the Lamb's Table. to be cont...
12.Today we are hosting some Japanese farmers who want to see our orchard and ask me what it is like to be a new farmer in America and also they are quite curious about my gender and how it affects my ability to farm. (hmm....no comment)
14. I am thrilled to announce we are going to have a Large Pumpkin Patch starting this Fall at Mt. View Orchards.
14(B) I am SO SO SO very excited to be getting a farm dog as soon as my place is finished being built!!!
15. Thank you again for following along friends. I am your grateful farmer and somehow my gratitude continues to grow.
winesap cider apples ready for pressing