She's blooming....
From the moment she made the decision to step out into the unknown,
to face her fears and walk through them ...
Her relationship with herself shifted
She felt strong
self respectful
self appreciating
confident in her own power...
As a tightly closed bud, she had no idea how beautiful she was, how gifted she was, how loving she was, how strong she was, how wise she was...
How could she? It was impossible to see her full magnificence.
© Caroline de Lisser
My mornings are starting rather early these days because our electric fans are turning on when temperatures drop below 30 degrees most nights. In the wee small hours of the morning, I am walking around the orchard, feeling pretty groggy and cold ensuring that our fans are doing their job so we have a cherry crop come July. Through the process of inversion the fans move the cold air upwards and draw the warm air downward to protect the tender baby blossoms. It can be a little spooky walking around the orchard in the dead of the night by oneself so I hum a little song so my dear heart doesn't have a freak out. My favorite song these days is, "Thank God Im'ma a country girl."
My amazing mother has been working on cutting brush and raking the limbs while my dear old dad has been helping to organize the solid set pipes for a project we are going to complete on 33 acres of our farm on the north side of our driveway. We have solid set irrigation already on the south block and now is the time to do the north side as well because we are going to be hosting weddings this summer and we need to not have aluminum irrigation pipes across our farm roads. I really couldn't carry on my families farming legacy without my lovely parents. I sure do love them and feel so thankful for their support and help each and every day. Multi-generation farming is a beautiful dream come true for us all. Farming besides my sweet parents is rather dreamy and it is an honor to give all my lovely daughterness to them here on our small family farm. We are a family that believes in family legacy farms.
I was able to complete pruning many of the new apple trees on the orchard and it feels good to have shaped and nurtured these smaller trees. On monday my mother and I are heading into the big city to pick up 100 late blooming blueberry bushes for September u-picking/harvesting. We are also picking up over 400 new fruit trees including pink pearls, macintosh, spitzenburgs, honeycrips, rainier cherries, bings, lapins and replacement pear trees. Thank you to all the returning All Fruit CSA family and welcome to the new households. Please head over to this link, to learn more about befriend our farm and joining out delicious and local CSA. We are a farm that people love to come and pick with their friends and families and we ran out of u-picking last year so I am trying to create more areas for families to come and enjoy our harvests in the coming years and for generations to come. Thank you Portland Magazine for naming us the best Family Friendly Farm in all of Oregon. Such an honor and totally our mission at Mt. View Orchards.
On Saturday afternoon after I complete my pruning payroll, I am meeting with my favorite photographer Marla Cyree of Simply Splendid to decide who wins the Wedding Giveway. There have been so many beautiful entries to be candid and it is going to be very hard to pick a winner. I love me a good love story and I am thankful for all the brave couples who put their hat in the ring. Rooting for you all to have a life time of love together. To learn more about getting married in our orchard meadow head over to Mt View Orchards Weddings. We are having some specials right now for the 2016 and 2017 season so shoot us an email at to ask about how to have an beautiful and affordable wedding at our new wedding venue at the base of Mt. Hood in the heart of our family farm.
Its farm worker appreciation week and I want to share some GOOD NEWS, I have been praying for weeks that more excellent Pruners would come to the farm and offer to help us out and on wednesday morning 8 stellar pruners showed up and answered all my prayers. We will complete our pruning tomorrow before the blossoms pop and I can add another testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of my Papa to always back me up as a farmer. So so grateful. Thank you to all my friends and family who prayed with me as well. xoxo Your grateful farmer, Trina
Cherry buds in the tight cluster stage. They don't like it too cold so I help to keep them warm
Magnificent Mt. Hood and our 100 year old Golden Girls.
We are having farm to table dinners in the middle of the row of trees this summer, To be cont...
Photo by Luke and Mallory, in our orchard meadow with this stunning bride
Your grateful farmer pruning away with all her heart.
Please mail your CSA deposit in the spring to enjoy our fruit all Summer/Fall friends
Photo by Simply-Splendid of a lovely couple in front of our Wooden Fruit bins..
Our Golden Row Hard cider is coming along quite nicely. Cheers
Cherries, peaches, nectarines, donut peaches and plums. All Fruit CSA HEAVEN!
Our CSA family Krys from our East Side Drop! Picking up her box of fresh local fruit!
Sunrise in our orchard, after checking fans all night.
pouring concrete at the wedding venue pavilion.
The amazing Javier, fixing an older John Deere tractor. 20 years working here on our farm!
Walking around the farm early one morning. Hello Mt. Hood, the Moon and our Wedding Venue